Collaboration: Apply for Bridging Gaps Programme

Collaboration: Apply for Bridging Gaps Programme

Bridging Gaps is an initiative of the Centre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation, a cooperation of the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Protestant Theological University (PThU), and together with the Dutch organisation Kerk in Actie and other partners. This programme enables students from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East to work on their own research for a period of three months under auspices of a supervisor of the VU or the PThU. During the programme students will get exposed to Dutch society and church life together with other theology students from all around the world.

Students can send their application before 16th January 2022 to All the information can be found on the Brochure Bridging Gaps.

Written by: Kirsten van der Ham, coordinator of the Bridging Gaps Program