Peace, Trauma, and Religion in the Palestine-Israel Conflict
What is the role of religion in this conflict?
It is this question that motivated the VU-students of the Master specialisation on Peace, Trauma, and Religion to visit the context itself (March 2017), hosted by the Tantur Ecumenical Institute – on a hill in the outskirts of Jerusalem near Bethlehem.
Peace, Trauma, and Religion in the Conflict of Palestine-Israel
Speakers: Prof. Dr Fernando Enns and Students
Zionism and its European Christian Roots
Speaker: Dr. Janneke Stegeman
Ecumenical Accompaniment with Peoples of Israel and Palestine
Speaker: Dr. Han Cuperus
Religious Aspects of the Middle-East Conflict: Theological and Historical Perspectives
Speaker: Dr Yaser Ellethy
Who Are The People of God? A Comparative Theological Reading of the Story of Jacob and Esau.
Speaker: Prof. Dr Marianne Moyaert
Violence and Non-Violence in the Context of Occupation: A Christian Palestinian Perspective