
94 artikelen
Public Panels 2025

Public Panels 2025

“No one is illegal!” Building Blocks for Peace-Theologies of MIGRATION Wednesdays in February 2025 (5th, 12th, 19th, 26th), 15:30-17:00Format: Hybrid (presence…

PTR Excursion 2024: Colombia

PTR Excursion 2024: Colombia

PTR Excursion 2024: Colombia From 13-23 June 2024, students, PhD-researchers, and others connected to the PTR master program went on…

Re-reading Exodus (liberation from slavery and oppression, 1-15) amid the Social Revolution of Myanmar

Re-reading Exodus (liberation from slavery and oppression, 1-15) amid the Social Revolution of Myanmar

Re-reading Exodus (liberation from slavery and oppression, 1-15) amid the Social Revolution of Myanmar My name is HtetPaing YeMaung. I…

Studying Peace, Trauma, and Religion: A Story from a PTR Student

Studying Peace, Trauma, and Religion: A Story from a PTR Student

Studying Peace, Trauma, and Religion: A Story from a PTR Student Do you also have the feeling that Covid now…

Peace and Climate Action

Peace and Climate Action

Peace and Climate Action This reflection comes from the new learnings I’ve gained in Amsterdam, where I have been part…

Heilung der Erinnerungen – Prozesse und Perspektiven

Heilung der Erinnerungen – Prozesse und Perspektiven

Heilung der Erinnerungen – Prozesse und Perspektiven Am Beispiel des Versöhnungsprozesses zwischen Lutheranern und Mennoniten Fernando Enns Zusammenfassung Die für den…

Transformative Spiritualitäten für den Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens

Transformative Spiritualitäten für den Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens

Transformative Spiritualitäten für den Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens Fernando Enns, Upolu Luma Vaai, Andrés Pacheco Lozano und Betty…

2024: Public Lectures

2024: Public Lectures

Academia & Activism Opportunities and Tensions of a Strange Relationship Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and campaigned for the…

A Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

A Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

A Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Global Mennonite Perspectives on Peacebuilding and Nonviolence Edited by Fernando Enns, Nina Schroeder-van ‘t Schip and Andrés Pacheco-LozanoForeword…

Ecumenism and Peace

Ecumenism and Peace

Ecumenism and Peace From Theory and Practice to Pilgrimage and Companion-ship by Fernando Enns Abstract The globally reconciling-conciliar Church is…

Transformative Spiritualities for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 2

Transformative Spiritualities for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 2

Transformative Spiritualities for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 2 Fernando Enns, Upolu Lumā Vaai, Andrés Pacheco Lozano…

Just Peace

Just Peace

Just Peace Ecumenical, Intercultural, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Fernando Enns (Editor), Annette Mosher (Editor), Olav Fykse Tveit (Foreword by) Overview Christian theology and…